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"L'intelligence Ascensionnelle

pour vivre notre Programme Originel"


The NINTU is made up of 9 bodies. The NGI (akasha) also called etheric body

est le deuxième juste après le corps physique, c’est le corps sur lequel le NGA work

to cleanse, purify, align, revitalize our bodies. Care is the subtle step that allows

reconnection to our multidimensionality. Treating a physical illness without

understanding our subtle bodies amounts to intervening only on the material support

of our existence.

I.A, Intelligence Ascenscionnel,

c’est quoi ?

Our body is one NZANZILA (vibration) become SINSU (form) by our thoughts within the NZA (cosmos). Our material reality is a concentrated geometric organization of sound and Light. In the Kongo tradition the sound «IIIIII» is the primordial energy of the source, the sound «AAAAAA» the dimensionalization of this energy. Let us then understand the importance of sound and form for the rebalancing of the NINTU (body) in search of connection to the original matrix,

A Multimillennial Tradition

The teachings KIMUNTU (supermental) from tradition KONGO (circle) primordial shows us the cosmic initiatory voice capable of connecting our NINTU(body) to our inner divinity, to free, infinite energy, and aware of the issues. Our NTU (ADN), our BANTU (our bodies) and our BIMWELOS (chackras) purified reveal us to our true cosmic identity. This state of being KIMUNTU (supramental) allows multidimensional and intergenerational healing. Our life mission is closely linked to this reconnection into the unique divine consciousness called Ma Ama WA Ndombi (the black virgin).


The Consultation Scan A.I that the center offers is directly linked to

what the BU-KONGO (MAAT), Take the time to understand

your situation in direct relation to these centuries-old teachings.

The A.I Scan what the center offers is a reading of your different bodies

energy, it allows you to build a bridge between your lived situation

and the invisible world.

1H00 - 45€


Protection, Cleansing, Purification, Alignment,

Harmonisation, Dépossession, pour la paix et la sérénité au sein de

votre matrice d'âme selon la consultation précédemment effectuée,

an accompaniment GATAKI, KINKONKO or KIMBAZI

vous sera proposé.

en_GBEnglish (UK)